Ball Exit/Lift

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000021417 Kicker Return Components Ball Kicker Assembly
    000021423 Shuttle Operator & Solenoid 070 011 132 Kicker Return Components 070 011 120 Steel Table Tie Rod Bracket Assembly Crank & Sheave Assembly
      000021428 Kicker Return Components Crank & Sheave Assembly
        000021813 Ball Wipes & Downsweep
          000021814 Ball Wipes & Downsweep
            000022077 Kicker Return Components Ball Kicker Assembly
              000022080 Cast poured in the USA using a tear resistant urethane with a special additive to create more friction between the kicker and the bowling ball.
                000022082 Kicker Return Components Ball Kicker Assembly
                  000022092 Kicker Return Components Crank & Sheave Assembly
                    000022096 Kicker Return Components Ball Kicker Assembly

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